Part of transitioning from extract brewing to all-grain brewing is gaining (read: buying ) more equipment. It is easy to do if you have lots of cash money to throw around, but if you are like me, you tend not to be so extravagant with your spending (no comments from the wife, please). Eric and I are piecing together our all-grain brew equipment one tank and burner at a time. Because of this, I have had lots of time to think about what we need. I thought I would review what I (currently) see as important to have in the three main brewing vessels. Hot Liquor Tank - The HLT is used for holding hot water for mashing (that's a brewer's word; common parlance would be "soaking" or "steeping") the grains and then for sparging (another brewing term; it's really just rinsing the grains of sugars that are left behind). Ideally, HLTs should hold as much liquid as your mash tun, but a little less is ok. Grains do take up some volume in your mash...