So, the title might be a little misleading, but the point remains. I bought a system in which to brew beer - or as a normal person would call it: a brewery. I have sung Craigslist's praises in the past and I will do so again here. That place - if you're lucky - can be a treasure trove of cool stuff. I was lucky enough to find this system on there several months ago but the price was out of my range. So, I held off from calling. Over the months, I did research on building a system from scratch found out that what this guy was offering was actually a pretty good deal. So, I called. I talked him down a little bit on price and when I went to pick up the system, I was more than pleasantly surprised. Overjoyed? Ecstatic? Happy? This was more than a frame and some kegs; this guy built the brewery to be an efficient, compact, easy to use piece of beer brewing wonder. He had a horrible ad on Craigslist, which turned out to be aw...