Several weeks back, I brewed up a German Wheat beer. Well done wheats are one of my favorite sipping beers, and I felt this style would be perfect for summertime. Because I brew 10 gallons (a lot of one style of beer), I decided to split the batch by making two different beers off of one base. Down the road, this will provide many options in terms of extra ingredients, varying dry hops, or even yeast options. For this batch and for the next few I have planned out, I am going to keep one carboy true to the Reinheitsgebot, the German purity law , while the other I will "Americanize" by adding extra something to it. For the German Wheat, I kept one strict to the Reinheitsgebot with only water, grain, hops, and yeast. The other, which I cleverly named German Wheat X, I dry hopped with one ounce each of orange and lemon zest as well as about 2/3s an ounce of Hallertau hops. Process As far as process, I simply used a single infusion mash at 152F. Ther...