Can you dust off an old blog? I feel like I'm pulling a favorite book off my shelf - noticing the slightly worn jacket cover, hearing the creak of the spine as I open it again. It's been a while. A lot of things took me away from writing this blog. We can summarize it as "a season of life." Kids. A move. Wanting to do a good job in my new position. Blogging about homebrewed beer didn't really fit into that. But now, I'm in a different season. I still have the kids. And live in the same city. And the same job, like I have for the past five years. I don't see any of that changing. But something has been stirred in me to pick writing this blog back up - but pick it up with a different slant. Previously, this blog focused on the first half of the name: homebrewing. I wrote about recipes, tips, and tasting notes on my beers. I thought it was fun, and I wanted to banter back and forth with others about all things homebrewing. I don't read about brewi...