The more I brew, the more I learn about how I brew. I think that is true with most things in life, right? The more you do something, the more you learn about it. "Practice makes perfect," as the saying goes. But practicing the wrong thing can lead to bad habits and, even worse, bad beer. So, I want to go into a little more detail about the opening sentence. First, learning. It is something I have been somewhat obsessed with since I started brewing. I have gobbled up information from books, forums, and podcasts. Learning is a good thing. It helped me know what the heck I was doing - at least in the general sense. It gave me an overview of the process, a map, a view of the entire forest. I needed to know how to hit temperatures, how to sparge, how to do the basics of brewing. Learning, reading, and listening gave me a bigger picture of the process. Those various avenues of learning were, and still are, extremely helpf...